How to edit the settings and details of a security role using the Security RolesRoles control which users can view and manage site pages and content. Roles can be created using the Admin > Security Roles page or by creating Social Groups. module.
Navigate to AdminRegistered users who are members of the Administrators role. These users have full access to manage the site including adding, deleting and editing all pages and modules. Administrators also have access to the Admin pages located on the main menu. > Security RolesRoles control which users can view and manage site pages and content. Roles can be created using the Admin > Security Roles page or by creating Social Groups. - OR - Go to a Security RolesRoles control which users can view and manage site pages and content. Roles can be created using the Admin > Security Roles page or by creating Social Groups. module.
If the required role is not displayed, at FilterThe ability to limit the potential results that will be returned, searched or filtered. By Role Group select the role from the drop down list.
Click the Edit button beside the role to be edited.
Edit and update the role - OR - Click the Delete button to delete.